

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

night time

siiighhh long day.... mom's sick and im stuck takin care of her. had plans with 3 friends but they canceled. but oh well..... gotta go to bed now. sooo tired and stressed. blog tomorrow!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

good morning

I woke up this morning to find my house empty except for my three cats. My parents had left earlier that morning to go grocery shopping. The decided to leave early because my aunt and 6 year old cousin are coming at 10 or 10:30 am. right now its 9:20 and my parents still arent home. im just about starving because my mom is bringing me home a donut so i cant eat til they show up. i really hope its so but who knows. My parents are picky shoppers. But what can ya do?? theyre my parents, i have to love them. lol blog ya later!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

ugh. i just ate dinner. i feel like im gonna explode. is that possible? anyway... my family got food from a local Chinese restaurant and my mom got these special drinks. theyre these carbonated drinks in glass bottles from chhina or japan...somewhere oriental. the last time i had them was when i was at a different restaurant. of course all of this thinking caused a flash back. I thought of the time at was at that particulart restaurant. and at that place with me were my parents. and Jeff..... we each had one of those soda things. each one has a blue marble inside. Afterwards we went to his house and broke the glass bottles to get to the marbles inside. i dont know where my marble is. but i dont care. its not like i kept anything near by that reminds me of him. its all in a brown paper bag shoved under my bed. where it rots away like any memory ive had of him.

Another day

We are suposed to have a week off for holiday break. but recent snow made that break last 2 weeks! its Sunday, meaning i have one more week off untill its back to school, boys, girls, drama, romance, friendships, and everything in between. just one week untill my life becomes a living h*ll once again.
Im stting here on my parents bed with laptop, blogging. I was inspired to blog by the movie Julie and Julia. i found that the best way to let people know whats REALLY happening in my life is to tell EVERYTHING to complete strangers.
Today on facebook i got a message from my boyfried Todd (code name) asking me if i could come to his parents New Year's party. thruthfully, i dont wanna go. "Todd" is sweet and all but, im really not in the relationship mood. i just had a break up with this guy that i was madly in love with ( and still might be...) and i just cant stand being in a relationship. For one time in my life, i dont wanna like a guy or think i cant live without one. i wanna be single and HAPPY about it. i lost all but one of my girlfriends in the last relationship and im just starting to get them all back.
my last realationship was with a boy named....lets say he was named.....Jeff. Jeff and i started out slow... yeah... it took him a MONTH to HUG me. but in less then a year, it led up to oral. if you realized that i say im in school, u might realize that i dont mean colledge, let alone high school. so yeah, im young. then you might be thinking "wow, this girl is this young doing this stuff???" dont ask. im not perverted. and trust me, i would take it all back in a heart beat. i did it for him. and then what? yeah. im history. but i dont wanna get into details. they will show up in my other blog. For now though, ive just got to work on getting over all of it.